0038 The Spiritual Sandbox - Hey, What’s That In The Mirror? 💕


Hey, What’s That In The Mirror? 💕

We’re always being guided to see what’s showing up in the 3 playgrounds of life… health, wealth, and love. 🛝

Today we tap into the richness of the Law of Reflection 🪞🪞🪩🪩

Based on the energy principle, as within so without, the mirror of life gives us the opportunity to elevate ourselves into infinite love, vibrancy, abundance, and joy! 🎈🎈🎈

The thrill of spiraling up!!! 🌀🌀🌀🥳

Continuing with our adventurous journey through the Laws of the Universe, in this episode Amit and I share how we embrace and embody the Law of Reflection. Whether conscious of it or not, we emanate our feelings, frequency and vibrations to God/Source/Creator in every moment. And the universe reflects our energy right back to us. 

We get to mold our “energetic clay” if that’s what we choose.

Are you ready to use your growing awareness of the universal laws to experience higher levels of ease, effortlessness, joy, vibrancy and abundance? Let’s go!!!  🦋


SpiritualityAmit West