0040 The Spiritual Sandbox - Being In Relationship With The Law Of Reciprocity!


Being In Relationship With The Law of Sacred Reciprocity❣️

What’s your take on the reciprocal nature of life? How do you balance your energy when it comes to giving and receiving? And most importantly, when you give, is it coming from the overflow? 🌷🌷🌷

In this episode of our adventure within the Divine laws of the universe, Amit and I have a magical conversation about our experiences with reciprocity. The sacred law that what we give comes back to us.

We’re in relationship with all aspects of life. Remember the 3 playgrounds …health, wealth, and love. There’s an energetic exchange that occurs between us, nature and the universe.

Enjoy this episode and allow it to elevate your consciousness. Ready to spiral up into higher frequencies that are lighter, brighter, easier and way more fun? 🌀💖🌀💖


SpiritualityAmit West