The Joy Of Rhythmic Synchronization in Relationships


The Joy Of Rhythmic Synchronization in Relationships!

By  Jill Lebeau, MS, LMFT & Amit West, M.A, C.em.p.

Let’s hone in on how relationships have the potential of either uplifting you into higher states of presence, joy and bliss or, conversely, send you down the rabbit hole of unhealed anxiety, frustration and anger. We know the lower vibrational emotions are not on your Top 10 list of feeling favorites. But, stay tuned because when you understand the higher purpose and grander perspective of all of this, you’ll realize how it’s all perfect. Really! No matter how things show up appearing as problems in your cluttered mind’s point of view.

We begin by highlighting  the nervous system and the pivotal role it plays in our power to create those juicy, loving relationships we all want to enjoy.  What does your nervous system have to do with relationships? Actually, it’s a key player in how we experience ourselves and everyone else. All day long, we’re sending and receiving vibrational cues  both consciously as well as unconsciously.

What is the purpose of the nervous system, anyway? Think of it this way. The nervous system is the master regulator of all the systems of the body. Much like a conductor of an orchestra, it knows what needs to happen and directs all the musicians to create the most beautiful, harmonious music.

Do you feel as though you’re creating a life of beautiful, harmonious music? Consider this. These days, most of us are functioning from an old, antiquated operating system. Yes, when the mountain lion shows up suddenly on your Sunday afternoon hike, the nervous system’s fight, flight or freeze response is doing its job perfectly, letting you know it’s time to high tail it out of there! But, as we’ve been living in the conditioned rat race of modern times, our poor nervous systems are all out of whack, perceiving danger everywhere. All it takes is a comment in the “wrong tone” and we’re off and running or fighting. 

Our nervous system floods our body with stress hormones (cortisol) sending out cues to the nervous systems of those we’re engaged with, and in turn, their nervous system starts flooding their bodies with cortisol. A domino effect and recipe for disaster!

Check it out. Now, you’re no longer two people communicating with one another, you’ve been reduced to two nervous systems kicked up into high gear, battling out old reactive patterns of unhealed, unprocessed pain. In that moment,  both of you are desperately seeking safety. And let’s face it, we’ve all experienced the rapid decline of consciousness and default to autopilot. You know, where we feel absolutely compelled to defend ourselves, judge and blame others (convinced that they’ve hijacked our power and all of our hard earned self-esteem -  now in the toilet) and find that safety at all costs. Even if it means hurting your loved one unintentionally. By the way, the energy you’re sending out to anyone first flows through every single cell in your body! Now you’re both feeling hurt, hopeless and separate when what you really want is to feel the loving connection you deeply yearn for.

 And, the same is true for what we’re observing on the world stage at this time of Awakening. We each hold a piece of the tapestry of life and play a role in creating harmony, peace and love on our beautiful home that we all share, planet Earth.

OK so now for the really awesome, exciting part. Did you know that our nervous systems are designed to harmonize with our environment which includes other people, the animals, nature - the whole enchilada? The Divine Design is Love and Attunement. The Truth is Oneness. We are all interconnected. We’re meant to live in peace, joy, ease, and love. We thrive when we support one another to live in harmony.  And everything about us, from our nervous systems, Mother Nature -  all of it is here to support us to live our Heaven On Earth.  

We thrive when we support one another to live in harmony.

So, how do we experience the joy of synchronization & harmony within our relationships? Keeping it real, we love offering practical tips and highly effective guidance to harmonize and synchronize in the easiest, most effortless, fun and potent ways.

Awareness is key. When we recognize our reactive patterns, we reclaim our power to show up for ourselves with love and compassion and in turn offer that same energy to others. It is exceedingly helpful to pause, tune in and have an inner chat with ourselves  to find out what we are needing in the moment to feel safe. This is how we shift out of the reactive fight/ flight/ freeze state into a feeling of inner peace and flow. We can further support this shift by using a simple, effective mindful practice.

Here is a simple conscious breathing technique for you to play with and focus upon.

Sit comfortably in a chair, allowing your spine to be erect without any tension. Gently breathe in through your nose, filling in your chest and belly (deeper belly breathing activates the vagus nerve, which stimulates the nervous system to shift into “rest and digest” mode).

Breathe all the way in and as you exhale through your mouth, let out an audible sigh “ahhhhhh.”  Repeat a few times and notice the renewed sense of peace and well being within you. 

Congratulations! You have succeeded in choosing a different trajectory. You are now able to respond instead of react… coming home to yourself, remembering your true Divine nature, which IS Love in action. Now you’re emanating a whole different much higher vibration with your nervous system no longer acting out fight/ flight/ freeze reactions. Yay you! 

Let’s sum it up.

Every moment you choose to experience peace, those around you can tap into that frequency, and get this, you seed the possibilities for all to be in peace. This is how we create a peaceful planet through Oneness! And it begins with YOU!


Jill Lebeau