The Exponential Expansion of Absolute Acceptance 


The Exponential Expansion of Absolute Acceptance!

By  Jill Lebeau, MS, LMFT & Amit West, M.A, C.em.p.

What is absolute acceptance and how do we support ourselves to allow it?

Absolute acceptance is about being honest with yourself, not resisting or judging anything that shows up in life. It’s a moment by moment active choice we are blessed to have and activate, here on this earthly plane of Free Will. 

When we reach for  higher perspectives, we are reminded that we can recognize the perfection in everything, that nothing has gone wrong, ever. Our cluttered minds instantly react to that construct, bringing up example after example of ALL the things that can’t possibly be right, or perfect. Look at the world as it is now. We invite you to consider what’s perfect about everything, especially all that breaks your heart. Everything that the human in you judges is wrong. What if all judgment is simply the result of  the inexhaustible list of limited beliefs we’ve all been conditioned by?

What’s the word from the higher dimensional realms? We have a choice. Either we can be a path of least resistance through practicing absolute acceptance. Or, we can allow the conditioned  mind to dominate and cloud our perspective, insisting that something’s gone very wrong and we need to get busy trying to control outer conditions and fix it. 

We remind you of a natural law of the universe. As within, so without. Look, if you don’t like what you see out there  - what’s being reflected to you, go within. You absolutely have the unlimited power to create the feelings, frequency and vibration you want to experience - within yourself. The world of form will follow suit. And the universe must reflect that right back to you. As we practice this, we can remember that our Soul orchestrates and chooses everything we experience, to help us discover and reveal more of who we truly are. Exponential expansion, voila!

We have a fun game or challenge for you (depending on how you choose to perceive it). Catch yourself when you’re reacting to life, thinking that something’s gone wrong. Take a pause and a few gentle deep breaths into your belly and chest, ask yourself this question, “what’s perfect about this?”


Jill Lebeau